Email us
Phone us
012 023 3327
1204 Fontana Road,
Mon-Thur ---------------- 8AM-5PM
Fri ------------------------- 8AM-3PM
Closed on Weekends and Public Holidays
Iréne is the rock of Aktief Wellness Centre. She has a passion for people, making them laugh and feel welcome. She loves photography, animals and nature. Iréne has a background as a receptionist, and is now expanding her horizons in a wellness centre.
Email us –
Phone us on 012 023 3327
Open on weekdays, closed on Weekends and Holidays
Email us –
Phone us on 012 023 3327
Mon-Thur —————- 8AM-5PM
Fri ————————- 8AM-3PM
Closed on Weekends and Public Holidays